Friday, January 8, 2010

Nimira's Song and Dance

The celebration continues! Nimira from Magic Under Glass is here to tell us more about herself.

Hi Nimira. I'm honoured that you consented to take part in this mini interview. Will you tell us more about your family, and how life was before you came here?

When my mother died, my father fell deeply into debt... or perhaps it had already begun before she died, but either way, we had to move in with my uncle up north. He owns a large farm, and while he had servants, there was much work to be done by all the family. There was very little time for dancing. Looking back, I suppose I seem spoiled and selfish, but I hated the farm work and my cousins teased me. I was terribly lonely.

That's understandable. How long have you been dancing for Granden’s troupe?

Almost 3 years. Goodness, it seems like eternity!

It always seems that way when you're working for Granden. *g* What styles of dance can you do?

I mainly perform a simple form of Safiera, a song-and-dance style of my country performed solely by women.

How does your costume look like?

Wow, that's gorgeous!*

I do hate how stiff I look in photographs, and the hand tinting is rather garish, but you will get an idea from the enclosed photograph. The tunic falls almost to my knees, and beneath it I wear "trousers", like knickers that button at the knee, and decorated slippers.

What other skills do you have other than dancing?

I have a little skill at embroidery. And of course, I sing. Beyond that, nothing much.

Have you seen an automaton before Erris?

I once saw an automaton at the fair. It was a woman who "spoke" in a frightening, tinny voice.

What’s the history behind trouser girls?

As far as I am aware, it was first performed by a favorite courtesan, who combined dance and storytelling into a performance of song and dance with sparse instrumental accompaniment. Safiera means 'pantomime'. Over the years, it became a popular form of court entertainment. The most important characteristic is that every song tells a story, and it is always from a woman's perspective. The name 'trouser girl' is entirely an invention of Lorinar. Back home, most women wear "trousers", whether peasant, dancer, or princess, although a highborn lady might wear longer pants underneath a decorated robe.

Okay Nimira, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you see these words. No take backs! :P
Dance: Pleasure
Hollins: Confused
Erris: Handsome
Castle: Stone
Magic: Forbidden
Fairy: Intriguing
Horrible: Death
Trouser: Girl!

Thanks for the insight, Nimira! Anything you’d like to add to folks out there?

I hope you will enjoy my story and not judge me too harshly for my mistakes.

*That's all for now, folks! The artwork above was created by Jackie Dolamore herself. Those who bought the hardcover can enter to win one of them (as a bookplate) here, which you will right?

Cross-posted at: LiyanaLand! on 24 December 2009.


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